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New Hampshire Folklife - an official New Hampshire Government website
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NH History

History forms the building blocks of who we are and who we will become. We can learn from it, cherish it, and grow from it. New Hampshire values its historical sites, buildings, and legacy-all of which continue to influence the traditional and folk arts of the state.

capitol dome

The New Hampshire
State House is in
Concord, NH and
was built in 1816.
In 1819, a
sculpted golden
eagle was installed
on the dome
as a symbol
of courage
and strength.
The original eagle
was removed in the
1950s in order
to preserve it
and put on display
at the Tuck Library
of the
New Hampshire
Historical Society.
A gold leafed
replica now
presides over the
State House.

Would you like to learn more about New Hampshire history?

Visit some of the organizations & websites that specialize in aspects of New Hampshire history.

New Hampshire State Government:

Heritage Museums in New Hampshire

Heritage Organizations in New Hampshire

Photo credit: Lynn Martin Graton

New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
19 Pillsbury Street - 1st Floor, Concord, NH 03301