Major Projects
MAAP (Municipal Agent Automation Project) |
Project Overview
- MAAP - Municipal Agent Automation Project
MAAP represents a state-of-the-art Motor Vehicle Online Registration and Title System used by the Department of Safety and Municipal Agents. The system was successfully implemented on July 11, 2005.
- Phase I - Registrations/Titles - Complete
- Some of the system capabilities include:
- Common online interface for State sponsored Web browser access.
- Online error correction capability.
- Easy to use online query capability.
- Automation of title applications.
- Improved edits and cross edits.
- Web-based drop down menus.
- Integration/interfacing with other subsystems.
- Credit card processing.
- Ability to do town registration portion only.
- Integration of local vendor software with vendor screens as
the primary interface.
- Improved ability to populate fields from one screen to another.
- Improved navigation between various parts of the system.
- Increased online agent transactions.
- New, renewal, and transfer registrations up to and including
26,000 lbs. (excluding APRO and SEMIT registrations).
- Town portion of registrations APRO
and SEMIT and those over 26,000 pounds.
- Late renewals up to 12 months late (excluding low-digit controlled
- Process title applications.
- Check on the availability and issue initial plates.
- Replace full sets of plates and order a replacement plate.
- Replace decals and/or registrations.
- Some maintenance (change color, cylinders for example)
- Display title and registration information.
- Cut credit memos, refunds, and short slips only when necessary.
(for State portion only)
- Pay off a short slip.
- Receive cash, checks, money orders, or traveler’s checks
or credit memos for payment and print receipts.
- Process the state portion of the registration.
- Fee settle for state portion.
- Close out at the end of the day.
- Change individual addresses for current registrations.
- The following plate types will be issued from an On-line Municipal Agent:
AGRI (agricultural) |
CPASS (conservation "moose") |
FARM (farm) |
MOTO (motorcycle) |
PASS (passenger) |
TRAC (tractor) |
TRAI (trailer) |
ICPAS (initial moose) |
IMOTO (initial motorcycle) |
IPASS (initial passenger) |
ITRAI (initial trailer) |
CONEQ (construction equipment) - Town Only |
IAMOT (initial antique motorcycle) |
IANTI (initial antique) |
60 DAY PLATES - Town Only |
- MAAP will figure permit fees, figure transfer credit, allow Agents
to input their additional fees, and input vehicle information such as
the list price from the VIN package.
- Process and calculate the fees for the local portion of the registration.
- Process the town portion only of registrations and titles.
- Fee settle for the local portion of the registration.
- Print financial reports including local fee information collected as well
as state.
- Change corporate addresses under some circumstances.
- Payment adjustments for both the state and local fees. Will
only be able to change tender type for the state, not the amount.
- Include data entry fields for the tracking of permit audit numbers.
- Some functions in MAAP require a Municipal Agent supervisory override
to complete the transaction.
- Functions On-line MA’s May Be Able to Perform in Future MAAP Phase:
- Lease transfers for the state portion.
- Surviving spouse transfers for the state portion.