Thank you for your interest in employment with the New Hampshire Veterans Home. We often have opportunities to offer compassionate, dedicated and hard-working people who are focused on making a real difference in the lives of our residents. We've succeeded because of our employees - a caring team of highly trained professionals. We provide competitive salaries, benefits, and a variety of employment options allowing employees flexibility and creativity.
For a list of current job opportunities, visit the State of New Hampshire Human Resources' web site, select "Job Opportunities", then "Search for Jobs" (under "Careers" on the right). In the "Location" box, enter "Tilton", then select "Search Jobs".
After reviewing the position, select "Apply" in the bottom right. Please note that resumes are not accepted in lieu of a completed application in the online portal.
Should you have any questions, we are here to assist you. Feel free to call (603) 527-4400 or email Thank you for your interest in serving our state's veterans.
New Hampshire Veterans Home Guiding Principles
New Hampshire Veterans Home
139 Winter Street | Tilton, NH 03276-5415 |
(p) 603-527-4400 | (f) 603-286-4242